Work With Me

I help frustrated health seekers, who have tried everything, overcome digestive, skin, fatigue, hormonal, autoimmune, and inflammatory symptoms using sustainable nutritional therapies that look at you as a whole person.

I take on a handful of new one-on-one clients a month. First, take the time to browse my website and learn more about my approach. See FAQ HERE. Then, schedule a FREE informational call below so I can learn more about you and determine if we’d be a good fit.

Are we a good fit?

  • Yes, if you have thyroid issues, or women’s health issues like PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, or menopausal symptoms.
  • Yes, if you have digestive issues like GERD, heartburn, food sensitivities, constipation, or IBS.
  • Yes, if you have pre-diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure and you want a physiologically sound way of reversing these issues…not a Band-Aid.
  • Yes, if you have mysterious health issues and your doctor isn’t helping.
  • We are NOT a good fit if you’re looking for an insurance company model of healthcare or “one-off” sessions. I work with clients for at least three months.
  • We are NOT a good fit if you’re vegan or on another sort of restrictive diet and not willing to change. I help people recover from restrictive dieting.
  • We are NOT a good fit if you’re solely focused on weight loss as your main measure of health. Weight loss is a result of better health. Forcing fat loss leads to long term weight gain. If you’re interested in learning more about my perspective on weight loss, read more HERE and HERE.

I may decide we’re not a good fit. If we do decide to move forward, it would be helpful to have a financial decision maker on the call. That might be you. However, if you need a spouse, partner, or parent to make financial or health decisions, include them on the call. It’s way easier to hear it from me, rather than to have you relay everything we discussed on the call.

Ready to get started?

Wait for my scheduler to load below and click “Book now”. Please choose a time when you can be in a quiet place without distractions so we can have a focused, productive conversation (not in a car!). Don’t see any available appointments? That means I’m not taking on new clients at this time. Check back in a few days or get on my waitlist by emailing Nicole at WholeHealthRD dot com with the subject line Waitlist.