It’s that time of year: everyone is making New Year’s Resolutions. And yet again, weight loss is the leading resolution for 2016.

There is a growing number of health experts who have seen the statistics and understand the physiology of weight loss who are saying, “quit focusing on weight and focus on health.” Unfortunately, there are too many other voices crowding out that message. We live in a society where overweight and obesity are seen as issues of willpower or character. The truth is, they are just symptoms. It’s true that being overweight or obese puts you at higher risk for disease. But weight is only one of many risk factors for disease, and it’s NOT the most important one. Thin people can also be malnourished and at risk for disease. A focus on weight obscures the other risk factors and equates thinness with health.

A focus on weight instead of nutrition will lead people to adopt diets, rather than eating nutritious foods. And we know with 100% certainty that current strategies to tackle overweight and obesity, which mainly focus on cutting calories and boosting physical activity, are FAILING to help the majority of people shed weight and maintain that weight loss.

Instead of focusing on weight loss in this new year, how about focusing on the health parameters that truly show your body is functioning properly?

  1. Normal body temperature (98.6 degrees) with warm hands and feet.
  2. Healthy, moist, fast-growing hair, skin, and nails.
  3. At least one bowel movement a day and little to no gas, bloating, or heartburn.
  4. The ability to sleep 8 consecutive hours with no urination or wake-ups (minus children, of course).
  5. Normal menstrual cycles with little to no PMS, bloating, or cramps; and a healthy libido in both men and women.
  6. Steady mood.
  7. Better than average resistance to colds, flu, and other infections.

There are dozens more, but these are the basic competencies of good physical function that most deserve your attention. These health parameters will tell you more about your health than your weight or any lab test. They all have to do with blood sugar regulation and metabolism. Master these and a healthy weight will likely follow.

If you are failing in one or many of these areas, the problems you are experiencing probably are, at least in part, due to your diet and lifestyle practices. Focusing on weight loss WILL NOT HELP, and can make many of these problems worse.

Take your attention away from the small details of nutrition (organic! superfoods! gluten! antioxidants! fat! fiber! carbs!). I work with clients on the “big picture practices” that help the body achieve good function: eating easy-to-digest, balanced, mineral-dense meals and snacks regularly throughout the day. If you’re sick of feeling unhealthy, and want a better solution than “eat less and move more,” I’d love to work with you!

Happy New Year!